I had a tubal ligation reversal July 9th and was given the all clear to start trying to conceive, which we've been doing uh, enthusiastically. Only one of my tubes was able to be connected and it is shirt -- only 2cm. My period in September was two days late and the day before it came, I had a sudden sharp, pressure and pain on my left side, the side of the tube that was reconnected. I could barely walk. The next day, my period started. It was short and light, but it seemed it was definitely a period. Because I'm neurotic, I took home pregnancy tests before and after and all were negative. It just ended five days ago, but over the last few days my breasts started hurting and leaking a little bit. I'm exhausted and having headaches and mild nausea. I'm also still mildly crampy, more on my left side but also the whole pelvic area to an extent. Is this something I should be concerned about?