Thank you for your query.
You are facing recurrent abortions.
There could be various causes for this.
The commonest cause is genetics - chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus.
Ideally the aborted material should be sent for chromosomal analysis, and you and your partner should undergo genetic evaluation.
Another cause is hormonal imbalance, with decreased
progesterone levels due to conditions like
polycystic ovaries etc, where the
pregnancy fails to receive proper hormonal support and thus, miscarries.
Uterine abnormalities in size and shape and incompetence of the cervix could be a reason.
Intrauterine infections such as
toxoplasmosis, herpes, rubella etc also cause such miscarriages.
Autoimmune conditions such as antiphospholipid antibody syndrome are leading conditions contributing to early first trimester abortions.
You should undergo a detailed couple evaluation before planning your next pregnancy.
folic acid supplements and avoid coneption for atleast 3 months.
Take care.