I have had acid reflux on and off pretty bad for about 3 months now. I have had episodes in the past for about 3 years, but they would last a week or so, usually when I had been sick and on some meds in the winter, and then go away. Other than that, I have had occasional heartburn. This episode started in October and got REALLY bad in early November. I teach. It seems like when I have a long holiday (Thanksgiving, Christmas) the symptoms go away after the first few days off. The burning in my chest like heartburn I have not had now in about 2 months. However, now my symptoms are: feeling like my esophagus is being pulled or stretched, sore chest, feeling like a knot in my chest, and when that happens I get nauseated, though I have never thrown up from it. NOTHING in the way of PPI's help AT ALL. The only thing that seems to help some (although not as well now as they did at first, is, believe it or not, XANAX. That makes no sense to me. Afraid I may have cancer of the esophagus!! It is taking such a mental toll on me that I am about to go crazy....having panic attacks, etc. HELP!!