Hi Doctor, My height is 5 feet 6 inches, weight 61kgs. Medical history : LMP: 01-04-2013. Married for 4 years, 1) had an ectopic pregnancy in May 2011 and left tube was removed. 2) Had a missed abortion in dec 2011 in 6 weeks.3) had tested positive in sep 2012 which reulted in periods in 2 days after testing positive subsequently i had chicken pox which dr. termed it as chemical abortion. this month ie april 2013, my dr advised for siphene 50mg from day 2 to dat 5 and i was advised for follicular study. Day 17, the follicle ruptured. i was then advised for Duphaston 10mg twice daily.today i took the pregnancy urine test and found negative. My question is 1) Is it too early for a pregnancy test ?2) since my ovulation happnend on 17th day, should i get the results now? 3) if this theraphy doesnt work, what is the alternate theraphy. thanks for your help.