Hello, I have a strange case.Since 5 monthes I am going from doctor to doctor trying to find a diagnostic. Starting an eruption in my mouth, after I couldnt see properly with my left eye, belly pain. After, blood in my mouth, under the tongue developed an area looking like a second tongue which passed in 2 weeks burt after, I feltsome grains in the upper area of the mouth, which grew and full of liquid, I started to caugh and it disseminated in all the mouth an over the esofagus. Both eye become inflated and something in the corner is starting to grow and eliminate one white stuff with tail.Same shape all the time. I bearely can eat. and everyting is growing. Especially if I am eatting sugar. My cerebral RMN shows rounded liquid filled digitiform areas. I said all doctors that looking like echinoccosus but here, in Romania, they never hear parasite in the mouth. I quited to fight untill I notice to my child starttig same symthoms. One eye become inflated, then making bubbles in the mouth and hurting the tongue. Changing her mood and acusing belly pain. I dont know where to go anymore. Our parazitologue said she didnt see such things in her life. Please help. Thank you