Thank you for posting your query.
Most likley, it could be benign positional paroxysmal
vertigo (BPPV). In this condition, you would have
dizziness, and imbalance, which gets precipitated with sudden head and neck movements. Symptoms are transient and would stop on its own in a few seconds to minutes.
Treatment includes use of medications such as
betahistine tablets, the usual dose being 16 mg three times daily (please check with your doctor before taking it). In addition, vestibular adaptation exercises are also helpful.
MRI and CT scans exclude any serious internal
brain injury.
I hope it helps. Please get back if you require any additional information.
Wishing you good health,
Dr Sudhir Kumar MD (Internal Medicine), DM (Neurology)
Senior Consultant Neurologist
Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad, India
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