Hello Madam,
You 55/F, still menstruating and if your menstrual cycle is regular, flow and number of days of flow are normal we can take it for granted that you don't have any problem in the reproductive organs. You have
constipation, may be habitual and by taking coffee and fiber cereal you are able to pass motion. Continue the same for constipation along with taking plenty of water+ Fruits like banana (if you are not a diabetic) little walking regularly, tension free life and good sleep. As long possible avoid taking laxative. Whether you pass motion or not you get
abdominal pain.
Colonoscopy revealed no problem in the large intestine. You are not complaining of frequent diarrhea. So
indigestion is ruled out. You say you have stomach ache in the morning or night.
The remaining most possible reason is Gastritis or
peptic Ulcer.
This type of pain may have some association with food, that is either before or after the food.
Advise: Have frequent, small quantity, bland diet - avoiding chilly, oily and very hot foods. Medicines like antacids + Anti flautant + Antispasmodic can be tried.
Hope you will be alright soon.
Best wishes.