Hello. I am a 59 year old female who had a laparoscopic assisted vaginal total hysterectomy on December 11-- three weeks ago. All things abdomen feel fine; however, two days post surgery, I noticed pain in the bone above my left ankle. It was quite tender to the touch. Every day since that time, it has been painful to weight bear on that foot , to the extent that it causes a limp and requires me to take Advil every day. I do not have swelling in that foot/ankle, and I have not injured myself before or since the surgery in any way that s know of. The pain at three weeks out seems to have radiated toward the lower back of my calf and is no longer nearly as tender to the touch above the ankle as it was originally. I had made an appointment with my orthopedic specialist, thinking it was a bone issue, but maybe I need to rethink this. I have read online that there appears to be some type of connection between hysterectomy and leg/foot pain. is this the case? Understanding that you could not possibly give me a definitive answer without examining me, what are your thoughts about this, and how should I proceed?