I has a medical abortion Dec 9th, went to follow up they said everything was complete. Started BC pills and two weeks ago started having severe menstural cramps , thought I was about to start and never did, then I started having a thick brown discharge with some traces of red blood, went to my OB and they performed an ultra sound saying at first retained tissue and gave me more pills to take and pass (cytrotec) stated I would not have a period until the tissue passes. Went back on Friday after taking pills (which nothing happened after taking the pills) and another ultra sound was performed, dr then stated that pregnancy test was negative so it probably wasnt remains from the pregnancy and to wait and see if the tissue comes out with my cycle. I m still having the discharge and a pretty severe headache and cramps at the time but nothing else. I m so confused and don t know what to do. Should I seek a second opinion? Or wait for cycle? He said if I didn t pass he would perform a D&C.