hi i had gone through your query and understand your concerns. i would come up with the possibility of FLATULENT
DYSPEPSIA may be the cause for your sufferings.
possible causes;
-suppressed strong emotions like anger and worry etc have caused the increased production digestive juices,which fermented and produce the complaints.they will not get better until these feelings have come out into the open.
-eating spicy food
-emotional upset
-Avoid acidic foods; eat a bland diet.
-Avoid raw vegetables. Meats, which are neither seasoned nor fried but rather broiled, baked, or boiled, are fine
-Overeating is to be strictly avoided
-Natural lemonade, lemon drops if available, and other eatables or drinks that have real lemon juice (no sugar, mind you) work well in alleviating gas pains
I hope this is helpful for you, thank you