Hi, 5 years i had nose surgery done the left part of my nose, ( septum done on the left part, reason being there was a blockage in my left nostril and i couldn t bring through. After having done the surgery i thought it was successful and it was better from before. Now, here is my case. I noticed that the 5 years that went by, i haven t been able to be going to bed properly . I have been always working excessively in my job than doing school work. I use to scrub down trucks, move boxes, move furniture, etc) in my job i use to like to work a lot because the air flow is a lot more than sitting down. I haven t been able to do 100% excellent in school because i never feel the relaxation to sit down and study. I thought that the nose surgery was successful back 5 years ago, now i notice that really the air coming out NATURALLY now i repeat NATURALLY how i am sitting down right now typing and sitting the air coming out from the left part of my nose is shallower than the right part of my nose. When i close the left part of my nose the amount of air flow is a lot more in my right than in my left (when i close the right the left part is less). Now there is a little bump on the left part of my nose ( more nose bone gone from the left part of my nose than the right) doctor told me i would need about $3000 to fix that cosmetically. Now my issue here is that i breathe a lot more through my mouth than through my nose is the cosmetic issue on my nose effecting the way i breathe through my nose? I went to see the ENT that did the septum for me and he said the air flow coming from both part of my noses is fine and that if i wanted to fix this cosmetic issue on my nose it would cost $3000. This cosmetic feature on my nose shows and i believe it leads to a little low self-esteem.