Thanks for using Healthcaremagic,
After going through your information you had protected sex 2 week ago and developed rash and low
platelet count.This may be due to some viral illness not HIV.
First of all protected sex chances of HIV are almost nil but in such cases there is lot of
anxiety is there so it is always better to test, your
ELISA is negative but it is too early to become positive hence it needs to be repeated after 3 months.
This is because of window period.
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detects the genetic material of HIV, instead of the
antibodies in blood. A PCR test can tell whether you have HIV much sooner than the antibody test -- within two to three weeks of infection.
This test is also known as a
viral load test.
It is more expensive but more definitive, especially early after exposure to the virus.
You can find centres where this test is possible.
Hope this helps.
Take care.
Good Luck
Dr.Akhilesh Dubey M.D