One week back 2nd ERCP was done for you. Indication should be Common
bile duct obstruction due to stone/s leading to
jaundice. Any jaundiced person may feel weak because of
indigestion and restricted diet and the thin skin around the eyes may be yellowish in colour. Prior to ERCP because of stone and obstruction some amount of
cholangitis might have been there in the
liver. You have not detailed about your
gall bladder status. Were there any stones already.
tiredness and weakness may be due to the recent jaundice.
Dark eye circles (usually due to
melanin pigmentation) may be associated with cholangitis disturbing the liver functions.
ERCP itself can produce some amount of inflammation around the area in
duodenum and some time
The pain in the Right side rib area may be due to cholangitis.
AS ERCP was done 2 times, and even though the stone in the common bile duct need not originate from gall bladder it is better to remove the gall bladder by
laparoscopy. Continue antibiotic till cholangitis gets settled. Do investigations for pancreatitis also.
Once everything comes under control (periodic liver function test) the dark color around the eye will get cleared
Best wishes for a speedy recovery