1. RSD (
reflex sympathetic dystrophy) causes nerves to misfire and send frequent or constant pain signals to the brain which is out of proportion to the cause that triggered it.
2. because you were examined by a qualified physician who has gone through physical examination and detailed history, thus has recommended you for pain clinic (anesthesiologist).
nerve Block may cause
paralysis and damage to arteries that supply blood to the spinal cords, other possible side effects include low blood pressure,puncture of the lung, damage to the kidneys,
diarrhea, and weakness in the legs,
4. If you have a disease that affects blood clotting, or taking blood-thinning drugs (such as heparin or
warfarin), have a bowel obstruction, or have any type of uncontrolled infection, nerve block is not recommended for you..
4.patient with RSD responds differently to treatment,spontaneous remission occurs in some persons,others may have irreversible changes in spite of appropriate treatment.
5. You can incorporate "Stress loading programme therapy" i.e. Scrub-Carry-Scrub-Carry programme recommended for patients who suffer from RSD [Watson / Carlson Protocol]
Treatment of reflex sympathetic dystrophy of the hand with an active stress loading program, J Hand Surg 1987;12A:779-785.