Hi there,
Thanks for your query.
The information provided by you suggests that you are suffering from Post-
Hepatitis C, Non-Alcoholic Steato Hepatitis (NASH)- a deranged liver and
Gall bladder function with impaired absorption of food intestine, leading to diarrhea. However, relapse of Hepatitis C cannot be ruled out.
Please get your Liver function tests,
stool test and an ultrasound/CT/MRI scan of Liver, Gall Bladder and Pancreas done to pinpoint the exact cause of your problems. In addition,
Lipid Profile, apart from Blood sugar should also be done to rule out/detect Diabetes (if present).
Fat-free, high protein diet; avoidance of alcohol; regular exercises, reduction of weight if
overweight will help in relieving your problems.
Consult your doctor and apprise him of my opinion. I am certain that he will agree with me, order required tests, and- based on the reports- will prescribe suitable/modified treatment as advised.
If you find my response helpful and informative, do not forget an “excellent” (5-star rating) to my answer, to ENCOURAGE ALL doctors- engaged in social service- to render sound advice to the FREE queries.
Take care
Dr. Rakesh Karanwal