I had tonsillectomcty 6 weeks ago, suffering with serratia m, cultured 3 weeks after surgery, NP would not listen to my complaints, MD out of country, 10 day of levoqin, 5 day off antibiotic, infection back, culture heavy again of serratia m, have 4 days of second levoquin, ENT sending me to infection disease MD. Now am I contagious to others, out of work ( I am a RN on med/rehab unit), I have been going through a terrible time coughing, drainage, can't sleep @ night with these symptoms, headaches, neck aches (TMJ due to surgery, again NP did not listen to me, said I was having referral pain, now in physical therapy, 3x week). ENT suggested maybe something going on with my immune system because he feels I should be infection free. Do I need IV therapy?