My LMP was 30th July 2013, I had unprotected sex on 10th August and then two days of bleeding on 26th and 27th August which I assumed was my period. However yesterday (10th September) I started to bleed again which made me worry so I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. I went to EPU today and a scan showed thickened endometrium, undistrupted echo line, no gestational sac and no obvious ectopic pregnancy.
However there was a small swelling adjacent to my left ovary, but I ovulated from right side. There was no sign of blood in pelvis but there was some free fluid in pouch of Douglas, this contained no echoes.
I had an ectopic pregnancy in my right tube three years ago which required the removal of my right tube, which makes it even stranger that I got pregnant ovulating from the right side.
My results today were HCG 295 and Progesterone 46.
I feel certain this is an ectopic again, but I'd like your view please.