I had unprotected sex with a guy december 3rd 2011. I asked him and he sadi he was with only one girl before me.. were in highschool too if that helps. about mid february i noticed some genital itching inside and on the lips of my vagina. no sores, lesions, rashes or anything jsut an itch. the docor tested me for gonnorhea, chlamydia , and trich and a yeast and they all came back negative. well the itching lasted for about 2 months, but i was having sex with my current boyfriend every day. i took about 5 days off and the itching stopped.. but now if we have sex like 2 times a day it will feel a little itchy and dry. does sex everyday make the vagina itch and dry out? what else could it be? Then about late march i saw an ad about HIV , i immediately started freaking out and i stressed so myuch i got headaches. and my muschles in my shoudlers were tense. i had not other symptoms except a little sore throat. no fever, swollen lymph nodes, sweats. i have been feeling a little tired and my breath sometimes feels tight. i do have an anxiety disorder but i came off meds about 6 months ago. i have no rash but i did notice my tounge looked a little white for about 3 days. i know stress can cause that also. When i dont think about it at all or de-stress i have absolutely no symptoms at all, but when i do think about it i have the symptoms i described. My current boyfriend has no symptoms at all either. am i stressing or could it be HIV?!