Hello, I have had a hard lump on my skull for about 8 months now. I cannot move it around, it s solid. I was not in a car accident and I did not bump my head. The large lump is on the right side of my skull towards the top. I also have a few smaller lumps throughout the right side of my skull. Along with these lumps are some crazy symptoms including: rapid heartbeat , high blood pressure, chest pains, fatigue , feeling like I will faint, pressure on my skull, confusion, bruising a lot, fever, nausea, bad anxiety, dizziness, vertigo , headaches, lose of concentration, not being able to remember simple things, jitters in my right eye, & black spots in my right eye. I have not had any of these things until that happened. I woke up one day and this all happened and still is happening. I am in the process of getting an MRI done.