sir,i m 55, male ,senior professional,having c/o pain abdomen on and off ,flatus, mucus ,first hard stools .then followed by 2 to 3 loose motions followed by no motion for 2 to 3 days and again the process is repeated. anus also pains,the passage is violent means forcible.this has continued for 15 yrs . amoebiasis ruled out .still took several rounds of metronidazole with uncertain results.seen by hod ge st johns med, coll.bangalore. colonoscopy done ,reported normali m on t loperamide 2 mg 1 bd x19 yrs.with fair relief. i m diabetic hypertensivex29yrs ,controlled with t metformin 500mg bd, and tab doxazocin 2mg od ,tab natrilax sr 2mg 1od for bp ,i m also on t lithium 399mg 1 bd since 15 yrs for B P A D .WITH ANTIPSYCHOTICS AND ANTIDEPRESSANTS SOS,PL ADVISE