At 18 years old i had an unexplained inability to urinate and wore a catheter for several weeks. My Dr. did a urethral dilation surgery as a last resort after many tests that showed nothing (including CT scan). Incidental finding on CT scan showed I had mild, symptomless spina bifida. At 45 I have been diagnosed with stage 3 ckd due to creatinine level of 1.21, eGFR 54. I am trying to understand why, as I am in *perfect* health, excellent BP, glucose, etc. I am wondering if maybe my kidney damage was caused by ongoing hydonephrosis (either due to spina bifida or partial blockage). I am suspicious becuase of having two sonograms (one in pregnancy, one for this condition) where the technician said my bladder was full when I could not feel that it was. Also have had mild back pain on left multiple times that radiated down to left labia. Any thoughts or advice?