Hello Dr,
My detail
Age- 32 yrs
Weight- 58 kg
Height- 5.4
PCOD problem
Problem detail:
i am trying to conceive since last one year without success. My period is never regular because i have PCOD.
I used to take medicine (Duphaston) for 5 days every time to get my period. If i dont take, i dont get my period for 2-3 month also.
I am taking Glycomet 500mg since last 10 month. But still not getting regular period.
Already Done below tests.
FSH (3rd oct 2012)- 5.07 mIU/ml
LH (3rd oct 2012)- 6.10 mIU/ml
PROLACTIC(3rd oct 2012)- 24.86 ng/ml, after having medicine(T.caberlin) did test again
now PROLACTIN (17TH NOV 2012)- 14.88 ng/ml
Testosterone Total (3rd oct 2012) - 0.64 ng/ml
Thyroid (17th sept 2012)
T3 - 1.13 nmol/l
T4- 81.29 nmol/l
TSH- 2.29 uiUml
I have started Ovulation Induction treatment from last month. last month i took Siphene 100 mg from day 2 to day 7th(5 days) and did ovulated with three matured Follicles(2 in right, one in left)
right ovary- superior 18*20, inferior- 15*16
left ovary- measuring 23*22
And also got my period exactly on 30 days.
This month again i had the same medicine Siphene 100 mg from day 2-7th. Used the ovulation induction kit (I sure) to know when i am ovulating. I used from day 12th till day 17th. But got negative result evrytime.
My period was due on 23rd. But i did not get my period yet. I am not feeling any kind of pregnancy symptoms.
So my query is
1) whether the ovulation induction kit (i sure) does not show correct result on clomid?
2) If siphene 100 mg worked for first month, is it possible that it will not work in the 2nd month. Because it seems it given good result with three follicles in first month
3) If not ovulated this time , then what may be the reason.
I am really verymuch worried, i am trying since long time and i am already 32 now. Dont have patience. Please help me.