I have PCOS , family hx of my maternal grandmother died of ovarian cancer . Is it true that ovarian skips a generation? I have been having painful, heavier cycles monthly. I had an u/s this morning and the tech told me she was going to label the cyst that I had now a complax cyst. I know there are several types. I ve had 2 removed August 2011 and felt pretty good afterwards but it continues to stay on the right side for the pain. I m scared that it may turn into something worse. I m 39, overweight (215) and 5 3 and have high b.p. My dr. told me to lose weight and get my b.p. under control and grow older and we may talk about a partial or full hyst later on, but not now. I had my tubes tied and and finished with children. I m doing just that but am concerned about the pain. I don t want to do b.c. pills. Any suggestions? Thanks ---Lisa