Syringoma (hidradenomes eruptifis) are usually benign and mostly of cosmetic concern, and are usually found below the eyes, due to overgrowth of cells from sweat glands.
2. any family history?
3. are causes like Xanthelasma, trichoepitheliomas,
diabetes, and congenital conditions are ruled out.
4. because they are usually harmless, they doesn't need any treatment, except at times they can be frustrating,so for cosmetic reason they can be removed.
5. Removal by
cauterization is effective, BUT will leave scarring and chances of recurrence are high, so consult with your Physician or
Dermatologist about the same.
6. Avoid walking during peak hours (11 am to 4 pm) in sun to avoid sun burn which aggravates the condition,if not possible use a good sun screen with minimum SPF 30.
7. newer techniques like CO2 laser technique, and
hair removal electric needle are becoming popular,and make sure you get this treatment from a well qualified Professional.
8. Most of the Insurance Companies categorize them under 'elective surgery' and will not pay for the surgery, talk with them in advance.
9. using a deep cleanser,exfoliating scrub pack for healthier skin and for keeping the skin pores clean.