Hi, About a month ago, I woke up with vertigo . I did the Epley maneuver two times (over a period of 4 days) and the room spinning sensation stopped. What I am suffering with is the fact that I have a general feeling of spaciness, dizziness, blurry vision in one eye, and the worst of it is facial numbness. I have seen my primary care doctor and and an ENT - no signs of stroke and my primary doctor is not worried about it being anything serious. I am being scheduled for an MRI, and am really starting to freak out. The weirdest thing about all of this is that my symptoms go away completely when laying down or reclining in a chair. I have no problems sleeping. I am baffled, as are my doctors. The quality of my life is greatly diminished since I cannot concentrate on much, I am always numb in the face (on both sides) and am generally dizzy with blurry vision. Also, when I exercise, I seem to feel worse. Any advice? I am a healthy, usually very energetic mom of 3, age 39.