For the past two years I have been dizzy, and now I started exercising about 6 months ago and at first I was really dizzy after the cool down, then in the past three months I have symtoms that include head bobbing, loss of ability to find my words, numbing pain down my arms and into my hands and wrists, stabbing pain in back under my shoulder blade only once, headache , after I take my shoes off and cool down I get back to being able to talk and after these symptoms happen I am extremely fatigued. During normal activity I have trouble remembering, and sometimes finding my words. I have been to the dr and had bloodwork all normal, echocardiogram normal, stress test normal, tilt table test normal. I am thinking it is neurological but the dr has not said to go that route yet. I am very frustrated because I feel as if they do not believe me and they are not listening to what I am telling them. please help