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He is 74 and is showing symptoms of dementia. MR scan is showing the decreased volume of brain. He symptoms are loss of interest, loss of social behavior, violent behavior etc. Even his
frontal lobe is normal. His violent behavior occurs in episodic pattern.
As your doctor is suspecting any epileptic discharge on basis of EEG, it may be any
epilepsy. Impulsive violent behavior is common in certain epilepsies.
Other possibility is some
mood disorder. Loss of interest, poor social interaction, violent behavior may be due to depressive episode.
Third possibility is dementia. In dementia the changes on brain are non specific. In last stages decreased volume of brian may be observed.
Many medicines like
Donepezil, Memantin can control his dementia features. Other medicines like sodium valoporate, resperidone can be given to control his aggressive behavior.
I would recommend you to visit a
Psychiatrist for proper evaluation.
Dr. Seikhoo Bishnoi, MD