I recently discovered that I was pregnant, exactly 4 weeks and 4 days, and that i had vaginitis. I decided to end the pregnancy and was given antibiotics for the vaginitis, and scheduled for a surgical procedure 3 days later. 4 hours prior to the procedure I was instructed to take two naproxen (which I had vommited up almost instantly) an antibiotic, and misoprostol to prepare my cervix. After the procedure I left the clinic and went home, I had mediocre cramping and bled lightly and passed a few clots that same day. I was ultimately worried after the abortion because I didn't feel much different than before the procedure and for two days after I was still experiencing fatigue, sore tender breasts, and haven't noticed my stomach return to its normal size. I still get nausea after taking the antibiotics that were given to me, and I had started to notice vaginal discomfort on the second day after the procedure that were very "yeast infection" symptoms. After going to an urgent care dr. I was instructed to take two pills for the yeast infection: one at that time, and one when I was finished taking the antibiotics (I was also given pro biotics). My question is what are the odds of a continuing pregnancy that has failed from a surgical (manual) aspiration, because I still don't feel quite like myself, having continuing breast soreness, slight fatigue, and no noticeable change in my lower abdomen shrinking to its original size. Should I be worried of a failed abortion?