Hello, I am 50 years old and I have been suffering from some kind of heath issue for past 20+ years. Every test that has revealed a different issue. It started with a sudden chest pain and cold sweat along with light headedness while I was driving. I pulled over for few moments and continued and had the same feeling maybe 15 minutes later... that is how it started 20 plus years ago. I went to the doctor next day, blood work was done, then stress test for heart issues. Micro valve prolapse was the diagnosis. I started having cronic fatigue, was diagnosed with anxiety attacks, then I started getting heart burns, was diagnosed with GERD. Fatigue continues to this day, Drs said it could be depression, was treated for that. Was treated for gastritis, was told the pain on the chest could be arteritis on chest joints! Everytime I get tested something else seems to come out, about a year ago I was told my Tyroid is slow and now I am on medication for that, 2 years ago I had yet another stress test and catherization done and was told one of the arteries was about 65% blocked, was put on few different medications. I had a follow up tress test done about 3 months ago and was told by my doctor that it has gotten worse so they may have to put a stent to open the blockage. Also on every follow up test that was done for other diagnosis they all came back negative, including mitro valve prolapse. My complaint about fatigue never got better, maybe even worse now since I also am loosing strength and muscle that maybe due to age. One thing I like to add is since these problems started I have had issues with bowle movement and gas. Also I was diagnosed with low blood sugar level at one point too. Finally my question is, what could be causing me to feel like I am in a daze and tired all the time?.. I really have forgotten how it felt to get up and stretch feeling good, I used to be very active person before all of these issues stared, use to play soccer for an amature team. Is there any particular test that I should ask for? Thanks, Mike B.