hi there I have had costochondritis for about 3 years now. I got this pain from lifting weights. But more recently it feels like a pain that I have never experienced before. Its mostly on the left side on my 3rd and 4th rib. About 2 months ago, my chest was in so much pain I decided to rub my chest with ruba535 on the left side. I was rubbing it really hard to let my chest absorb the cream. About half an hour later, I experienced this really sharp tearing pain in that area that lasts about 5 seconds. That pain is so severe it really feels like it takes the life out of me. I got that same severe tearing pain once a day, everyday for the next 2 weeks. It happens once a day and normally at night time. The pain also radiated to the jaw. I haven t gotten that severe tearing pain for the last month and a half but other symptoms are apparent. I still feel pain in the same chest area and my jaw, my whole face including the the cheek bone, the bone on my nose , the bone under my eyes and even my ear hurts. The facial pain feels like a burning, numbing and sharp pain. I am also getting frequent headaches. I feel shortness of breathe especially with simple things such as walking and at times even at rest. Talking is the worst. I get shortness of breathe when i talk and my chest and jaw hurts a lot. I told my GP about this and hes prescribed me with NSAIDS that only gives short term relief for about a few hours, but it really upsets my stomach . MY GP has also done an echo-cardiogram, and ECG , a chest CT scan and done a halter monitor test to rule out heart related problems and has found everything to be negative. My GP says he doesn t know what I have and has basically given up on me. Any help or advice would be strongly appreciated.