My 4 1/2 year old son has a fever of 102, has a runny nose & is complaining of "watery" eyes & his eyes are hurting; his eyes do appear watery (& red) & his pupils are dilated.
He seemed fine this morning but he had an early 3 hour nap (he doesn't usually nap but he was up late both Fri & Sat night. He was also running around outside much of Sat & it was very hot & muggy); when he does nap it very seldom exceeds 2 hours.
We were in some woody areas yesterday but he had no tics etc on him that we saw. He didn't complain of being bitten or anything. There were a lot of people there as well.
We went for a swim in our pool for about an hour after his nap today. He was his usual active self and also as usual he was shivering a little when we came out (the pool was 88 F, which was also the outdoor temp, chemical reading were per usual with chlorine at the high end of the range; nothing was added today). He had a difficult time warming up, but had a hot bath & seemed fine when he got out. He asked for macaroni & cheese & watched TV while I made it. I didn't notice anything wrong until I realized he hadn't eaten anything though he said he was full (he hadn't eaten much today: a couple of tomatoes, a handful of carrots, a glass of's often difficult to get him to eat, especially on hot days); I felt his forehead & took his temp of 102.
Just recalled he ate 1 small apple from the neighbor's tree just before swimming & he just requested another one; he often eats them & does so each year.
It's primarily the eye issues that cause me concern. Is there anything I should be doing other than tylenol & waiting it out?