in October of 2011 I had the whipple procedure for a ampulla of vater tumor . the tumor was fine on the outside after biopsies but the center was malignant... 2 of the 12 lymph nodes removed were malignant also part of my pancreas was removed.. I had chemo and radiation after the surgery for 5 weeks, ... my bloodwork has been good I have cea and ca 19.9 tests every 3 months and will have a cat scan in june of this year. my level for cea is .5 which was done last Tuesday, the one before that was less than .5 but I had flu symptoms the weekend before my last test, don t have the ca 19.9 test back yet. could the flu symptoms of achy bones etc, affect the testing and is the .5 result a good one. thank you for your help??? it is hard not to worry about the testing , I have been through so much...