Hi Doctor, My age is 25. I am having frequent urination for the past two years. The number of times I urinate in a day is more but varies from day to day. Sometime after urinating I get the irritation feeling in the bladder . At night I wake up and go to rest room for 3 or 4 times (sometimes more). My urine is clear sometimes, yellowish sometimes. I already consulted a urologist in Chennai. He took blood check up (for glucose level), x ray, urinalysis , scanning and uroflowmetry tests. He said everything is normal and he said the problem is due to tension. He prescribed tryptomer 25 mg for 1 month. I have taken this tablet for few days still it does not seem like it is curing. I guess this tablet is for depression. But I don t feel like I have too much depression. (But I have tensions since I always go late and do everything at last time) Please help me solve this problem. Thanks, Razak.