hello friend
i am sorry for your prolonged ailments
i have a few suggestions that may help
these are all non pharmacological measures
so there is minimum risk of side effects
1. have the head end of the bed raised.
2. avoid non vegetarian food. causes more acid production
3. dietary restrictions, from your message, i consider you already know.
4. avoid
smoking and alcohol, espeacially just prior to bed.
5. after having food, never go to bed directly. walk for at least half an hour.
6. have your
thyroid levels checked. incompletely corrected thyroid will not help you.
while probiotics are a good idea, prolonged use of
proton pump inhibitors is the best therapy available.
i would like to suggest taking
ranitidine as well
ppi 40 mg in the morning half hour prior to first oral intake, and ranitidine 150 before dinner.
best of luck.