Thanks for the query to H.C.M. Forum.
Presumed that after
angioplasty every thing about heart is alright.
Now , only concern is loss of appetite,
As these above mentioned symptoms are most common in heart patient ,even after angioplasty or by pass surgery , so don't worry.
First of all control two things ,
1 Blood pressure,
2 Diabetes , if any.
Buclizine hydrochloride syrup will boost the appetite ,
Some enzymatic preparation will improve indigestion.
Beside other medicines after angioplasty , consult treating doctor and have some
clonazepam ( low dose) type drug in the night.
This will improve the general condition of patient with mental condition , after heart ailment.
Hope I have answered your question.
If further any question I will help.
Good luck for your father.