My wife 27 years old. see diagosed with ovarian cyst on Feb, 2011. the doctor prescribed Novelon and USG found no cyst after 2 months. then she also prescribed to use it for 2 cycles. then we married on dec, 2011. The irrgularity of periods starts on April, 2012. We tried to conceived on Aug, 2012. Remember, The period does not occur without medication since April, 2012. Dr. advised some medicine for 3 cycles. No result. Period missed in Dec, 12. We consulted another Dr.. He prescribed Orgamed. then Tablet Ovofar 50 from day 3 of period for 5 days and tablet Duphaston twice a day from day 15 of period for 14 days. and Chrominac A and Folvite. But no result happens this month. My sperm count is normal. please suggest. My wife s TSH , Sugar, Prolactine tested during the ovarian cyst. all are normal then. please suggest.