This is the third day of having episodes of lightheadiness (not dizzyness); last night I went to the ER, my blood pressure was 178/109 but my EKG and blood work (electrolytes) came back fine, they said my EKG was boring . The Dr. said it could be viral related but that was too hard to pinpoint and sent me home. I felt better then today, it all started over again. My pulse has been running between 103 (once) to 78, avg 83, I am still getting bouts of lightheadiness. and I think I am starting to have bouts of diahreia, I have been on a cleansing diet so not sure if that is related but I have read it can be...also get naseuas during the spells. can this still be my heart and if so, why did everything come out fine? I don go see my Dr. until next Tues.