Thanks for asking in Healthcare Magic.
Pain due to disc degeneration and prolapse is long standing and the drugs can only give symptomatic relief and cannot offer a permanent solution as they cannot cure the condition.
Normally, the nucleosus pulposes, the central portion of the disc, is held firmly by annulus that supports the nucleus pulposes. Annular tear compromises this. The resulting
disc prolapse compresses the nerve roots causing severe pain. If the tear is due to trauma, the chances of healing is more. But, in your case it is due to degeneration and so it may need a corrective surgery.
The drugs used in
neuropathic pain like SSRI, tricyclic anti depressants and oxycodone (
opioid analgesic) will result in numerous side effects in the long run.
Physiotherapy may help to a certain extent.
But since the pain is bearable you can delay the surgery. But please take a
second opinion with a neurosurgeon whether you can postpone the surgery and the risks involved.
I hope this is useful.