Hi Doc, I had lower back pain on the left side in July 2012. MRI showed that everything is okay with my spine . During that time I did a full blood count and found that my Leukocyte count was low, 2.7 for a range of 4-10. Also my Neutrophiles were low. Hematologist thought there is nothing they can do. I was managing with the pain, which was sending some tingling on lower leg at times. But in January 2013, I was doing press up at night and I felt pain on my shoulders. The following day while I was reading on the desk, it felt like a muscle snapped on the back of my neck. now in addition to the lower back pain, I had upper backpain . However, I never had lower and upper back pain at the same time, the pain seemed to alternate. I have pain on every joint in my body now. I also have muscle spasms almost everywhere, my face twiches as well. Scary, my ribcage is also painful depending on what I am doing.