I have a lump to the right of my sternum on my rib right above my right breast, this was the first symptom. Then I strted having night sweats. Next was bruising all over legs and arms not caused by trauma or injury. then my night sweats turned into sweating all the time especialy when I moved around. Now all my lymph nodes are swollen. I've recently started having anxiety, panic attacks, and now this weird pressure feeling in my chest which my hear is pounding hard, it feels like my heart climbes into my throat andi get heart flutters I can't breath good, when I bend over it gets worse, and my bp keeps going up to 150s+/90s+ heart rate at 90+ and it only happens wen I feel the pressure. I do have 6 herniated discs from L5 to the sacrum and a hiatal hernia, stricture of esophagus, I take nexium, tramadol, hydromorphone, adderel, neuontin, lexapro, welbutran, microgestin(birth control), and clairitin. Please help I'm seeing a PA but they're going real slow and more and more things keep popping up, I have thrush right now too