parachute mitral valve (PMV ) is a rare congenital anomaly, i.e it is present since birth, and PMV in adults is very very rare.
Mitral valve prolapse(
mvp) is condition in with leaflets of mitral valve dip into left atrium during
systole (late systole) and may or may not cause symptoms.
you may have MVP in addition to PMV, but then you call it secondary MVP and primary pathology is PMV. Before you go fore surgery please note this simple things which i would like to tell as very imp.
- if PMV is not causing any symptoms and 2D echo does not show gross abnormality like severe regurgitation (valve leakage),dilated left atrium, pulmonary
hypertension or
heart failure then you simply dont have to do anything. Just having abnormality doesnot mandate sugery. on other side if it causes significant symptoms and other above said abnormality then you must get it replaced.
- Whenever possible mitral valve should be repaired as it is far syperior to replacing the valve, howevere it is not frequrntly possible and you need replacement.
Mitral valve replacement (MVR) there are two types : bioprosthetic and mechanical. Major advantage of bioprosthesis is that you dont need
anticoagulant (blood thinner) life long but the disadvantage is that you need replacement(hence another major surgery) after ~10yrs
- metallic valve , benifit is it is life long provided you keep your bood thin as per advice , howevere it comes at expense of raised possibility of increased bleeding chances.-
- you need to thoroughly discuss all yhis things with your Cardio-Surgon before coming to conclusion as it is to be individualized and there are nop fixed rules.
- hope this helps you