I have a 10-year old boy who had nausea/vomiting yesterday twice, then came home from school yesterday w/low-grade fever (99.6) and stomach still hurting/a little nauseated, but no more vomiting. Last night he started feeling muscle aches, mainly in his legs, and diziness/eyes stinging. Today his fever has gone up to 101, still feeling achy, dizzy, eyes burning, and recently complained of being lightheaded.
He hasn't really been eating much, which is totally unlike him. He has also been complaining of stomachaches on/off for the past two weeks. We think he may have gotten food poisoning since he didn't eat for a long period of time on Sunday (skipped lunch) then ate Wendy's cheeseburger w/french fries and orange Fanta, and about 12 hrs. later (Mon. morning), he woke up nauseated around 6am, went back to sleep, then woke up at 7am, had Cheerios w/milk, and then around 8:15am he vomited.
Is this just the flu, or could it be something more serious?