Hi welcome to Health care magic forum.
Thanks for calling H.C.M.Forum.
You are 28 years old, since one month you are having problem with your stomach, You are going to toilet 4 times a day, still feeling stomach is not empty.It happens to you repeatedly, you are health conscious take nice diet, 3 liters of water, don't take any medicines unnecesorily.
It appears to be due to
indigestion, of some foods, like pulses, oily foods, etc,
amoebiasis also can cause same symptoms.
Chronic infection of the
colon, or lactose intolarance also may be the causating factors.
I advise you to consult a gastro enterolagist for diagnosis and treatment. You may need to have M.R.I.besides other routine tests for confirmation. Avoid taking more of spices, junk foods, and oily foods.
Wishing for a quick and complete recovery.
Best regards.