For month and month I was confronted with few medical problems:
1. Only in the morning, when waking ( with more serious symptoms if I was waking EARLY, much less if I was waking after 8 am) anxiety, rapid heart rate which sometimes could turn into panic attack and than to atrial fibrillation. I could eventually stop this evolution with some benzodiazepin in the very forst moment I wake up. This morbid state was also was combined with a rapid weight gain, partially, only partially explained by the beta blockers doctor prescribed to avoid those. I am a normally thin person, but last time I really put on, at least 20lb with no exogenous cause. ( I don't eat more)
My general state ( panic attacks, hart rate, fibrillation, even weight) improved by some thyroid intake, which is quite strange: thyroid should increase the heart rate, not to settle it down. I think that my morbid state was due to cortisol excess, but it's hard to say, from only the symptoms. In my country they are so idiots that they have cortisol tests only from blood, not from saliva. It is difficult to measure your level of cortisol in the morning when you wake up, going quickly to a hospital, for a blood test etc...
Now, with thyroid intake, no panic attacks, no fancies about my heart rate, no arrhythmia, no rapid rate.Should I go on?