I have had swelling of my ankles, in particular the left, a rash on the top of my foot, red and warn to the touch, not raised, I have welts in my other leg, they look like bug bites, with welts under. my wrists hurt, and I have a slight red mark, fatigue, fever, chills. this is the second episode, the first time this happened was two weeks ago, got better with doxycycline and prednisone, Benadryl and motrin. then it came back again, i'm thinking its an allergic reaction to flea bites, we just got a dog, but i'm not sure. I walked outside to the backyard without shoes and had symptoms the next day and then I did it again went outside without shoes and that's when it happened the second time. I have been to the doctor 4 times, blood test, strep test. all came back normal