Hi ! im ranjana....age 33....i had post spot bleedding problem...from last two years....after fifth day of my mestraul cycles...from eigth day i started getting spot bleeding...my tsh level was ok, ultra sound was ok...pap smear test was ok...then docotor suggested me for hytroscopic...it was found polyp that was benign....hystrocopic was done last year may 2012....for eight months i was completely fine...now again this year from march onwards im getting bleeding again whhic is is spot form but heavy after my mestraul cylce....the spotting atart from 9 th day after my periods...my periods are every month regualr on time...doctor suggested me for TSH, LH, FSH all are normal and even in ultra sound notihng has been found out...only rubella igg is 299, and in reference range its mentioned <10, but doctor said its ok....no medicine prescribed yet....she is suggesting for papsmear and then if notihng found in papsmear then again hystrocopic....the treatment process is again same as the last year...seeking you advise...please help me out...