I am a male 60 years old with a large hiatal hernia. During the last couple years, i have had stomach cramps once a month which always are triggered when i am eating. They always start in my lower left abdomen, about 5 cm to the left of my naval. To begin with they lasted for 15 - 20 minutes but now they last for up to 6 hours. Extremely painful where i am very restless and don t know what to do with myself. They go over as abruptly as they start. I get the feeling that it s like a migraine headache. The tension building up until a meal, a little signal to the left of my naval, and it starts. When i get up from the meal, early enough, and burp, the pain can subside. However, after onr to two months, an attack starts. Again lower left stomach, once a month, or up to two months. Always when i am eating. Extremely painful. My blood tests are all normal. No problems with bowl movement, digestion etc. 6ft2, 215 lbs. Any idea what this is, and what might be the best treatment. I live in Norway and might be having my hiatal hernia opererated. Thank you kindly for your advice. Sincerely Walter Welo. YYYY@YYYY