Madam, most likely causes for oral ulcers are Simple APTHOUS ULCERS (
Canker sores) or
Herpes (in case you had concommitent fever as well). they are generally Painful for few days and may subside thereafter. It is exteremely rare for such an ulcer to be of malignant nature, as in that case, the pain either does not occur or if occur, it does not subsides after taking medications. More over NON-HEALING Ulcers of long standing duration of more than three weeks are something to be worried about. Also, Risk are to those persons who are habitual of tobaccoo chewing or
smoking ar having any Syphillis like disease.
If there are two or more ulcers, that has happened many times previously especially during stress/ Summer and Nutritionally defecient states, most likely it will be APTHOUS ONLY.
there are still other causes, like trauma from sharp teeth/ dental appliances, Vitamin defeciencies. any skin disease to name a few.
Apply DOLOGEL CT gel on affected ulcer, take
multivitamin at nights, it will subside within 2/3 days.
else, seek some
dentist for all other possible mentioned causes.