I am taking Levofloxacin, 500mg. tablets, 1 time a day, for 10 days. I want to know if feeling very dizzy & weak is common when taking this medication? I am usually put on 2 a day, I think they made a mistake this time. Also, I wanted to ask your opinion on the best antibiotic for my infections. I have urinary tract, bladder, & kidney infections that will not ever fully go away. I have blood & protien in my urine, also extreme swelling in my legs when the infections get bad, which did not start until about a year ago. I also have had a sinus infection for over a year. I have also had a bacterial infection for 2 years. I have been treated for all of these infections over a few times now, but nothing seems to help. I have been prescribed Cipro, Kphlex. Clindomiacin, Levofloxican, & a couple other antibiotics throughout the time I have had all of these infections. I am desperate to figure out what else there may be to make them actually go away. I am so weak all of the time with all of this going on with my body, I can barely live a normal life. I do not have insurance which makes it much harder to find any care. I will take any suggestions that you can give me. I just do not know what to do anymore to try to get rid of these infections. But, I did want to know if it is normal to be a bit dizzy & feel a bit weak on the levofloxican? Sorry for the large amount of questions, but I thought I would ask what I could to see if there is anything I am doing wrong or anything else I can do to get better. Thank you so very much!