If the problem is not in the
inner ear, it is most probably caused by spondiloarthrosis of the
spinal cord in the neck area.
Tramadol is a very good pain killer, but it is not the only one solution. You can try other painkillers containing a mixture of analgesics.
In addition, atihistaminic drugs are also a good choice although not used for long time. Such drugs include diphenyhydramine,
promethazine, etc. However, as they cause
drowsiness, you should not drive the car while using them; that's why you can ask your doctor for more.
Furthermore, I would suggest to apply warm clothes to the neck area, never let your neck "uncovered" to avoid exposure to cold air.
You can massage the spinal cord, it is good that someone could help you. You can also use olive oil or lavender oil while massaging.
Hope it helped!